Responsible Investing

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues are integral to our investment approach.

With patient capital, entrepreneurial expertise and a partnership approach, BU focuses on supporting management teams in improving the performance of portfolio companies and help them generate sustainable value. This also means that we ensure high environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards throughout our portfolio of companies and in our own investment approach.


The companies we invest in are an integral part of society, for which they share responsibility – as an employer, as an honest partner for customers and suppliers, and as an influence on the community and wider environment. These are issues that concern us in our work and in our investments.


BU has adopted a Responsible Investment Policy to guide our approach to building resilient businesses and to invest responsible with environmental and social sustainability.

Responsible Investment Report

Responsible Investment Report

The 2023 Responsible Investment Report highlights the continued progress of Responsible Investing practices and the firm's overarching mission of ensuring we deploy our capital 'with a purpose'. The report details the strategic integration of Responsible Investing throughout our investment lifecycle, showcases a case study on EA Elektro-Automatik, a former portfolio company, illustrating our contributions to help achieve their corporate decarbonization goals, and additionally shares success stories from the Bregal Sustainable Development Financing Program, the Bregal Helps Initiative, and our employee philanthropy program.

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